Monday 19 November 2012

FMP final piece

Made this for my final piece in college, got me DMM. Alot could be improved but this is a general idea for a mini games type game which could be made for a phone app or a game for a children's website.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Haiku typeography

Here are two haiku's which we had to lay out in square boxes in unique ways, showing we understand the use of typography and spacing.

'BumFluts' My xbox gamertag made in C4D / Photoshop

Here I was playing around with cinema 4D, creating 3D lettering and exploding parts of it, I then used Photoshop to include all the details.

Romeo & Juliet collage

This is a collage that I created with a friend of mine after we all got put into groups, we scanned in pictures and my own handwriting and used Photoshop to lay all these images together to create a collage with meaning behind it.

3D modelling

These are two 3D models that I created using cinema 4D, the poker table I created for a final piece of my 3D modelling unit, I also created Bigweld from the film Robots in my spare time which I think both came out very well.

Barnyard balloons childrens game

Here is a children's game I designed and created which involves blowing up farmyard animals, it's meant to be simple yet entertaining for that age range, although I've had grown adults enjoy it just as much

War collage

Here is a war collage that I created for a final piece of a Photoshop unit, I used lots of scans from items I acquired from my nan, and included these with a few dashes of colour I got from the internet. I really like the tones of colour I managed to get, which work well with the bright red and subtle purples.